Thursday, December 31, 2020

Tolentino vs. Secretary of Finance

Constitutional Law; Bill Drafting; All appropriation, revenue or tariff bills, bills authorizing increase of the public debt, bills of local application, and private bills must “originate exclusively in the House of Representatives” but the Senate may propose or concur with amendments. — In sum, while Art. VI, §24 provides that all appropriation, revenue or tariff bills, bills authorizing increase of the public debt, bills of local application, and private bills must “originate exclusively in the House of Representatives,” it also adds, “but the Senate may propose or concur with amendments.” In the exercise of this power, the Senate may propose an entirely new bill as a substitute measure. As petitioner Tolentino states in a high school text, a committee to which a bill is referred may do any of the following: (1) to endorse the bill without changes; (2) to make changes in the bill omitting or adding sections or altering its language; (3) to make and endorse an entirely new bill as a substitute, in which case it will be known as a committee bill; or (4) to make no report at all.

The press is not exempt from the taxing power of the State. —VI. Claims of press freedom and religious liberty. We have held that, as a general proposition, the press is not exempt from the taxing power of the State and that what the constitutional guarantee of free press prohibits are laws which single out the press or target a group belonging to the press for special treatment or which in any way discriminate against the press on the basis of the content of the publication, and RA. No. 7716 is none of these.

By granting exemptions, the State does not forever waive the exercise of its sovereign prerogative. — Now it is contended by the PPI that by removing the exemption of the press from the VAT while maintaining those granted to others, the law discriminates against the press. At any rate, it is averred, “even nondiscriminatory taxation of constitutionally guaranteed freedom is unconstitutional.” With respect to the first contention, it would suffice to say that since the law granted the press a privilege, the law could take back the privilege anytime without offense to the Constitution. The reason is simple: by granting exemptions, the State does not forever waive the exercise of its sovereign prerogative.

In withdrawing the exemption, the law merely subjects the press to the same tax burden to which other businesses have long ago been subject. — Indeed, in withdrawing the exemption, the law merely subjects the press to the same tax burden to which other businesses have long ago been subject. It is thus different from the tax involved in the cases invoked by the PPI. The license tax in Grosjean v. American Press Co.,297 U.S. 233, 80 L.Ed. 660 (1936) was found to be discriminatory because it was laid on the gross advertising receipts only of newspapers whose weekly circulation was over 20,000 with the result that the tax applied only to 13 out of 124 publishers in Louisiana. These large papers were critical of Senator Huey Long who controlled the state legislature which enacted the license tax. The censorial motivation for the law was thus evident.

The VAT is imposed on the sale, barter, lease or exchange of goods or properties or the sale or exchange of services and the lease of properties purely for revenue purposes. — The VAT is, however, different. It is not a license tax. It is not a tax on the exercise of a privilege, much less a constitutional right. It is imposed on the sale, barter, lease or exchange of goods or properties or the sale or exchange of services and the lease of properties purely for revenue purposes. To subject the press to its payment is not to burden the exercise of its right any more than to make the press pay income tax or subject it to general regulation is not to violate its freedom under the Constitution.

It is inherent in the power to tax that the State be free to select the subjects of taxation, and it has been repeatedly held that ‘inequalities which result from a singling out of one particular class for taxation, or exemption infringe no constitutional limitation. — The sale of food items, petroleum, medical and veterinary services, etc., which are essential goods and services was already exempt under §103, pars. (b) (d) (1) of the NIRC before the enactment of R.A. No. 7716. Petitioner is in error in claiming that R.A. No. 7716 granted exemption to these transactions, while subjecting those of petitioner to the payment of the VAT. Moreover, there is a difference between the “homeless poor” and the “homeless less poor” in the example given by petitioner, because the second group or middle class can afford to rent houses in the meantime that they cannot yet buy their own homes. The two social classes are thus differently situated in life. “It is inherent in the power to tax that the State be free to select the subjects of taxation, and it has been repeatedly held that ‘inequalities which result from a singling out of one particular class for taxation, or exemption infringe no constitutional limitation.

Equality and uniformity of taxation means that all taxable articles or kinds of property of the same class be taxed at the same rate. —Equality and uniformity of taxation means that all taxable articles or kinds of property of the same class be taxed at the same rate. The taxing power has the authority to make reasonable and natural classifications for purposes of taxation. To satisfy this requirement it is enough that the statute or ordinance applies equally to all persons, forms and corporations placed in similar situation. 

Congress shall “evolve a progressive system of taxation” has been interpreted to mean that “direct taxes are to be preferred and as much as possible indirect taxes should be minimized.” —The Constitution does not really prohibit the imposition of indirect taxes which, like the VAT, are regressive. What it simply provides is that Congress shall “evolve a progressive system of taxation.” The constitutional provision has been interpreted to mean simply that “direct taxes are . . . to be preferred [and] as much as possible, indirect taxes should be minimized’ Indeed, the mandate to Congress is not to prescribe, but to revolve, a progressive tax system. Otherwise, sales taxes, which perhaps are the oldest form of indirect taxes, would have been prohibited with the proclamation of Art. VIII, §17(1) of the 1973 Constitution from which the present Art. VI, §28(1) was taken. Sales taxes are also regressive. Resort to indirect taxes should be minimized but not avoided entirely because it is difficult, if not impossible, to avoid them by imposing such taxes according to the taxpayers’ ability to pay. In the case of the VAT, the law minimizes the regressive effects of this imposition by providing for zero rating of certain transactions (R.A. No. 7716, §3, amending §102(b) of the NIRC), while granting exemptions to other transactions. (R.A. No. 7716, §4, amending §103 of the NIRC).

Charitable institutions, churches and parsonages by reason of Art. VI, §28 (3), and non-stock, non-profit educational institutions by reason of Art. XIV, §4(3) which under the Constitution are the only exempt from taxation. — Indeed, petitioner’s theory amounts to saying that under the Constitution cooperatives are exempt from taxation. Such theory is contrary to the Constitution under which only the following are exempt from taxation: charitable institutions, churches and parsonages, by reason of Art. VI, §28(3), and non-stock, non-profit educational institutions, by reason of Art. XIV, §4(3).

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